Hi there 👋🏾, I'm Dami

He founded Actif, an Age-tech SaaS startup and continues contributing to the European developer community.

He aims to craft solid and scalable digital products while helping others find their passion for coding. He is all about combining innovative development and critical thinking to make ideas a reality.

He is deeply involved in the vibrant open-source community by contributing to Nuxt-validate, @nuxtjs/eslint-module, @nuxtjs/google-fonts and more.

His passion lies in curiosity by envisioning ideas and turning them into reality. You can find my complete projects list here.

These projects span various domains, from input validation and full-stack applications to Azure AI certification resources and Nuxt.js modules. I actively contribute to these projects and continue to maintain and improve them.

He is your person if you're looking for a Vue.js developer to build responsive and user-friendly interfaces for your web applications. My focus on clean, high-quality, well-documented code ensures I deliver scalable applications on time and within budget.

He is available for freelance projects, mentorship opportunities, and technical writing engagements. Let's work together to bring your project to life and make a lasting impact.

When I'm not coding, I indulge in music. I play the drum 🥁 and guitar 🎸, fueling my creativity and inspiring my development journey. I also enjoy playing tennis and dancing, seeking inspiration from the world around me.